
    1.     Major Citations
    2.    Minor Citations and Chartiers Oil
    3.     Oil and Gas Industry, History, Geology 

Major Citations

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Unless otherwise noted, as of early 2007, all materials documented below are held by Albert B. Craig, Jr.





April 2007

Bibliography for Burchfield-Craig, 2cnd Edition, with live links to source material

George L. Craig


George L. Craig Life History

Edwin S. Craig

late 1800s

Edwin S. Craig's Notebook

Edwin S. Craig


Handwritten note with early family information. possibly Edwin's handwriting per AB Craig, Jr.

Edwin & Joseph


Details of documents from Edwin and Joseph now held by Heinz Western PA Center in Pittsburgh

Matilda (Daisie) Craig


InReDaisie - Husband Sues Daisie's Estate-Testimony

Charles Baker


Recollections of Charles Baker, about his time working with Joe W. Craig.

William Craig (G1), siblings and possibly parents

report 2007

Ulster Ancestry Report. research commissioned from Ulster Ancestry research service. 


various during 1800's and early 1900's

Records from United Presbyterian Church, Shelocta, PA. includes births, baptisms, deaths, marriages, cemetery records. Cemetery records area also available separately. Both courtesy of Lynn Burge.

Craigs, Hugh and others


West Union Cemetery, Shelocta, PA Cemetery Listing from

Craig "Family Bible" Extracts


Family records Extract available here.

Various Family Trees and Kinship Reports

April 2007

Descendants trees of major family branches, kinship reports showing all family members relationships William Craig, William Staunton, Adam Burchfield and others.

Records of The Chartiers Oil Company


Surviving records of The Chartiers Oil Company including annual reports, financial statements and more. An table of the contents of this file is also available.

Joe Craig's Enterprises Research Materials

April 2007

Various newspaper articles, advertisements,  photos and more used for research into Joe Craig's enterprises. See  Craig Businesses Research Materials, Joe Craig's Enterprises section (26 mb file) excerpted from Burchfield-Craig: Two Pittsburgh Families. 

JW Craig - Millionaire Oil Prince Weds


Typed, photocopied. Joseph W. Craig and Ida Mitchell wedding article from unknown ny newspaper



Click on the appropriate name (repeats of same name are multiple obits):
Sewickley Borough Council Memoriam re Joe Craig, Joseph W. Craig, Joseph W. Craig, Joseph W. Craig, William Craig, Joseph C. Ferree, Henry Staunton, Albert B. Craig, Matilda S. Craig (Daisie), Craig Weaver, Edwin S. Craig, Emile E. Heck (husband Daisie Craig), Gladys Brace Heckert, George L. Craig, George L. Craig, Jr., Joseph S. Craig, Mary Elizabeth Craig Griffiths, Percy L Craig, Pressly Craig, William H. Burchfield, William H. Burchfield

Minor Citations

Person or Entity



Est. Date 


Brace, Napoleon (Husband of Mary E. Craig)

Laundry Receipt

A. Ahlswede


Laundry ticket from Brace Bros. Laundry, Pittsburgh

Craig, Matilda Staunton (wife Joseph Craig)

Will – Copy of

EMC, Jr. probably from his father’s papers


Edwin Craig’s copy of Matilda Staunton’s will including death notices from newspapers.  

Craig, Matilda Staunton

Will – copy of and memorandum as to estate settlement.

EMC, Jr. probably from his father’s papers


copy of will of Mrs. Matilda Craig and memorandum as to settlement of her estate. The First impression of this mailed to Mrs. N.C. Brace on April 20, 1911”

Craig, Matilda Staunton

Division of Joseph and Matilda (Staunton) Craig's Books

EMC, Jr. probably from his father’s papers


Handwritten record of who got what books from Matilda and Joseph’s household. Interesting in that some books cover irish rebellion. Handwritten (possibly by Edwin?), 6 pages.

Craig, Matilda Staunton

Handwritten notes on division of personal items from household of Matilda S Craig.



Fragile brown paper handwritten notes on allocation of personal items, furniture, etc. from household of Matilda and Joseph Craig. Unclear if this is a record of what was divided or rather Matilda’s intentions on division. Very fragile.

Craig, Joseph W.

Estate of JW Craig, Deceased. Real Estate 2-28-1913, P.L.C.

Percy Craig’s copy from EMC, Jr.’s father’s papers


Detailed record of Joseph W. Craig’s estate’s real estate holdings. Copy made for Percy Craig

Craig, Joseph W.

Inventory Personal Estate Joseph W. Craig, Copy for PLC

Percy Craig’s copy from EMC, Jr.’s father’s papers


Detailed complete record of JW Craig’s non-real estate holdings including interests in various companies he started.

Craig, Joseph W.

1908 Resolution of Sewickley Burrough Council Regarding Building of Sewickley Bridge  and financing of it.



Resolution of Sewickley Council agreeing to formation of company, financing of which was led by Joe W. Craig, to build the original Sewickley Bridge completed in 1911. Original donated to Sewickley Valley Historical Society.

Craig, Joseph W.

Sewickley Bridge Resolution

AB Craig, Jr. Original with Sewickley Valley Historical Society


Resolution of Sewickley Council of Burgess regarding formation of group to build the Sewickley Bridge. Joseph Craig primary shareholder and organizer.

Craig, Edwin

Letter to Mary Craig

A. Ahlswede


Letter from Edwin to his sister.

Craig, Edwin

Inventory and Appraisement: Estate of Edwin S. Craig



Appraisal of Edwin Craig’s estate with complete list of personal items and financial holdings.

Craig, Albert B. “Josh”

Page from probably The Lawrenceville School  yearbook

EGC & ABC estate papers


Picture and description of ABC from probably Lawrenceville yearbook

Craig, Albert B. “Josh”

Nassau Herald picture and description of education through Princeton

EGC and ABC estate papers


Picture and description

Craig, Albert B.

Princeton publications Josh Craig Business Manager Daily Princetonian

EGC and ABC estate papers

1915, est

Two pictures of Princeton publications’ staff including ABC and listing of publications staff.

Craig, Albert B.

Lawrenceville contributors to WWI memorial

EGC and ABC estate papers

1924 est

Listing of Lawrenceville  alum who gave to WWI memorial at The Lawrenceville  School

Craig, Albert B.

Princeton 1925 Book page on ABC

EGC and ABC estate papers


Princeton 1925 Class Book. One page description.

Craig, Albert B.

Princeton 50 year class book

EGC and ABC papers

1965 estimated

Two physical pages. Description of ABC

Craig, Albert B.


EGC and ABC papers

1965 estimated

Personal CV typed. Probably prepared for Princeton for the 50 year class updated. Documents all career, avocation positions, family. Etc.

Craig, Albert B.

Remarks by Scott Meyer  from 72cnd convention of Holstein Friesan Assoc.

EGC and ABC Papers


Remarks on occasion of presentation of Past President’s pin of The Holstein-Friesan Association of America to AB Craig. Documents involvement in Association.

Craig, Albert B.

Various obituaries

EGC and ABC Papers


Various obituaries from Sewickley area newspapers, Holstein Friesan Assoc. and Princeton.

Craig, Albert B.

Tribute-I Knew Albert Craig

EGC and ABC papers


Letter by Robert Rumler praising ABC and recounting 28 years of friendship. Print copy from HF Assoc newsletter and typed copy.

Craig, Albert B.

Tributes and obits and past presidents pic

EGC and ABC papers


HF World obituary, memorial ad and past presidents picture incl ABC

Craig, Albert B.

Princeton Class of 1915 letter to Elizabeth Craig regarding ABC death

EGC and ABC papers


Letter from John Feber to E. Craig regarding passing of Josh Craig.

Craig, Albert B.

The Chronicle, article about ABC recognition by Dairy Shrine



Newsletter of the “Dairy Shrine” announcing plan to honor Albert Craig.

Craig, Albert B.

Death Certificate



Original- Local Registrar’s Certificate of Death No. 353715, Commonwealth of PA. NOTE: This document has not been scanned to digital archive due to notation on cert that it is illegal to photograph or copy.

Craig, Albert and Elizabeth

Wedding review



Article about wedding of ALbert B. Craig and Elizabeth W.Gibson

Craig, Albert and Elizabeth

50th Wedding Invite



Invitation to 50th Anniversary party

Staunton, William

Naturalization certificate



Copy of William Staunton's certificate of naturalization

this table is still a work in progress










Oil and Gas
Industry, Geology and History



Map of Ohio Energy Resources (geology)

US Energy Information Administration

Appalachian and Illinois Basin Potential (report)

Interstate Oil and Gas Commission

Appalachian Indepent Oil and Gas Producers (history and potential)


Michigan Shoestring Gas Fields (geology)


Lensing Sands of Ohio (geology)


Oil and Gas in Pennsylvania (geology, industry, history)

PA Dept Natural Resources

Ohio Oil and Gas Industry Overview (geology, industry, history)

Ohio Oil and Gas Association

US Geo Survey Open File Report i2726 (geology)


USGS Appalachian Silurian Resources Map (geology)


Pennsylvania's Oil Heritage Region (geology, history)

PA Geo Survey

Pennsylvania's Early Oil History (geology, history)

PA Geo Survey

Pennsylvania Oil Heritage Region (Washington County, history, geology)

PA Geo Survey

Atlas Energy SEC Filing  Atlas Energy develops limited partnerships for drilling in the Appalachian Basin. Its partnerships own many of the old Chartiers wells. It's SEC filings contain detailed discussion of the geology of the areas they drill and much data on Greensboro Gas Company wells was obtained from here.
Chartiers Oil Company & Greensboro Gas Company (geology, history, wells)



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